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Steven Furtick is the Most Dangerous Kind of False Teacher
I write to the fan of Steven Furtick: Flee from him. If Lego props and the like were not enough, the words of his mouth will serve as witnesses.
When Church Is Optional, You Set up Your Kids to Fail
I wrestled with the tensions between hobbies and church for years. I would like to think today, through studying God’s Word, I now have a more biblical understanding.
Church Should Be Your Excuse for Missing Everything Else
I am under the conviction that unless I am genuinely ill, in the throes of death, or trapped in our house, church attendance is mandatory.
Christians, COVID-19, and the Dangerous Idol of Personal Safety
Throughout history, God has allowed outside forces and tragedies to remind His people to look to Him for comfort and assurance.
Why Evangelicals Need to Stop Saying ‘It’s a Relationship, Not a Religion’
The doctrine of God, and how we relate to him, is critical and worthy of regular discussion, contemplation, and prayer.

The question for the Christian is not, "Is there a place for actual violence?" It is, "Is entertainment the place for actual violence?" The answer, I believe, is no.