Christ and His Bride
Guest Contributor Guest Contributor

Christ and His Bride

As we have seen throughout the Bible, God chose for Himself a people, His bride. She was found filthy, made beautiful, became filthy again, and was promised redemption

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The Covenant Keeping God of Genesis 15
Theology David Chambers Theology David Chambers

The Covenant Keeping God of Genesis 15

When God enters into a covenant, a relational contract with His people, we must take notice. And we see such an arrangement in Genesis 15 when God formally enters into a covenant with Abram. A covenant is more than a promise. It’s a bond in blood uniting two parties together with obligations and blessings for staying true, and curses for breaking the covenant vows.

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‘Two Cities,Two Loves’, a Compelling Look at Christianity and the Culture
Book Review Jack Lee Book Review Jack Lee

‘Two Cities,Two Loves’, a Compelling Look at Christianity and the Culture

While I found Christ & Culture helpful in a model and ethics analysis, as a Christian looking for biblical guidance and practical wisdom on how to live faithfully in the fallen world, it is thin. That is why when I heard that P&R Publishing was going to rerelease Two Cities, Two Loves: Christian Responsibility in a Crumbling Culture by James Montgomery Boice, I was eager to read it.

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The Poetry Of Jesus In ‘The Rich Man And Lazarus’
Jesus Jack Lee Jesus Jack Lee

The Poetry Of Jesus In ‘The Rich Man And Lazarus’

I hold firmly to the notion that this story is indeed a parable. Why? Because of Jesus’ spectacular use of poetry. This has been overlooked by some commentators. One of the amazing things about studying scripture is that highlights the infinite breadth and brilliance of Jesus.

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