The Great Irony of Denying Total Depravity
People believe they are good because they are not.

Unconditional Election: A Study in What it Means to be God
When discussing biblical doctrine, the subject of Unconditional Election can be an emotional, dynamic trigger for many Christians. For some, such as myself, it spurs immediate reflections on God's sovereignty, grace, and divine nature.

Total Depravity: A Critical Lesson in Seeing the Riches of Sovereign Grace
Total Depravity is a critical, first lesson that one must learn if they are to truly grasp the depth, beauty, and richness of God's sovereign grace

6 Common Misconceptions About Calvinism
Calvinism understands that in God’s sovereign plan of redemption, He sovereignly chose people-to-people evangelism as the method of gospel proclamation. What a wonderful gift and privilege for the church! Although God is omnipotent and fully capable, He allows us to be the means by which He saves his people