The Most Influential Children’s Catechism
Which catechism is the most influential and understandable for kids? Some may argue that the Westminster Shorter Catechism is the best. Or that the Heidelberg is the most applicable. Or that modern ones like the New City Catechism are the easiest for kids to grasp. But while those are helpful tools, they are not the most influential catechisms for children.

Your ‘Fur Babies’ Aren’t Children
For the married couple who doesn’t desire kids, contra the dominion mandate of Gen. 1:28, pets fill the void of the pitter-patter of little image-bearers without much real, lasting sacrifice that is part and parcel to raising kids. In all of it, it speaks to the American ideals of comfort and freedom.

When Church Is Optional, You Set up Your Kids to Fail
Where did we go wrong? How can we sing on Sunday morning that Jesus is my “all-in-all” and then decide to sacrifice the glorious, life-giving truths of the Gospel on the bloody altar of hobbies? At what point did so many professing Christians parents exchange the instruction, “keep your eyes on Jesus” for “Keep your eyes on the ball”?