Why Evangelicals Need to Stop Saying ‘It’s a Relationship, Not a Religion’
Aside from the fact that this relationship-centric Christian-ese phrase creates false contrariety – by suggesting one of these things is completely unlike the other – this logic is poor and stands opposed to the historic, Christian faith. Lest we forget, most heresies begin with an underlying error in the understanding of God’s being.

Steven Furtick is the Most Dangerous Kind of False Teacher
So why do I find this so particularly dangerous? Why write an entire blog post for 111 little words? He’s a winsome speaker. He has a means of captivating the undiscerning through his inflection, repetition, and word-choice, meaning he’s a good orator. This wouldn’t be an issue in the slightest if the content of what he preached was adequate, but given the fact that heresy has escaped his lips without him batting an eye, it makes him particularly dangerous.

3 Things You Must Do To Quit Porn This Year
You will never “white-knuckle” your way out of pornographic addiction. It takes confession, counseling, repentance, faith, and life-long accountability to defeat the war on lust. But, rooted in Jesus, it can be done. I pray that this new year is the year you finally quit porn for good.

The Exclusivity of Jesus Won’t Tolerate The Inclusivity of the Sexual Revolution
The exclusivity of Jesus’ sexual ethics and person stands in stark contrast to the inclusivity of the sexual and moral revolutions. Jesus requires holiness and warns of judgment for anything less.

Here’s Why Christians Shouldn’t Watch Game of Thrones (or House of the Dragon)
At what point will Christians stop trying to find the line to toe and simply make the decision that even if there are filtering devices, the ability to fast-forward and/or avert the eyes, etc., there are some things worth abstaining from altogether?