Our Cultural Moment
Abortion Grayson Gilbert Abortion Grayson Gilbert

Our Cultural Moment

The apoplectic rage of those who wish to protect their “right” to terminate the life of the innocent is nothing short of astounding. I say this, not because the outrage isn’t to be expected, but simply that if there were any lingering doubt on what the Democratic platform, and leftism in general, holds dear, there is no longer an air of mystery.

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6 Common Misconceptions About Calvinism
Theology Jack Lee Theology Jack Lee

6 Common Misconceptions About Calvinism

Calvinism understands that in God’s sovereign plan of redemption, He sovereignly chose people-to-people evangelism as the method of gospel proclamation. What a wonderful gift and privilege for the church! Although God is omnipotent and fully capable, He allows us to be the means by which He saves his people

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Your Emotions Aren’t the Holy Spirit Speaking to You
Theology Jack Lee Theology Jack Lee

Your Emotions Aren’t the Holy Spirit Speaking to You

There are dangerous movements within Christianity that focus almost exclusively on emotionally driven experiences. Emotions, in and of themselves, are not wrong. Yet, without the deep arduous study of God’s Word, it is near impossible for a Christian to discern the genuine works of the Holy Spirit.

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Your ‘Fur Babies’ Aren’t Children
Christian Living Grayson Gilbert Christian Living Grayson Gilbert

Your ‘Fur Babies’ Aren’t Children

For the married couple who doesn’t desire kids, contra the dominion mandate of Gen. 1:28, pets fill the void of the pitter-patter of little image-bearers without much real, lasting sacrifice that is part and parcel to raising kids. In all of it, it speaks to the American ideals of comfort and freedom.

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Why Churches Go Woke: They Deny The Sufficiency Of Scripture
Grayson Gilbert Grayson Gilbert

Why Churches Go Woke: They Deny The Sufficiency Of Scripture

Rather than Scripture being the norm that norms all other norms, it has taken second place to the prevailing cultural canons. Part and parcel to this issue is that many, and here I do truly mean many, view the Scriptures as a source we can go to in order to support what it is we truly believe about the world around us, rather than revelation given by God Himself that reveals the world for what it is.

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The Three Worst Bibles You Already Own
Christian Living Blake Laberee Christian Living Blake Laberee

The Three Worst Bibles You Already Own

Having read the Bible numerous times, studying it deeply, and working in pastoral ministry, I believe I now have a definitive list of the worst Bibles. I can tell you from my experience in the counseling office that these Bibles will absolutely cripple any Christian. They make for weak Christians that have a hard time even muddling through this sinful world. Some of them may surprise you.

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