The Deadly Peril of Being the Double-Minded Man
The double-minded man is always hovering between two worlds.
Rings of Power and the Loss of Transcendent Virtue
For all of the visual splendor that Rings of Power yields, the story thus far feels a bit hollow and manufactured for this Tolkien fan. I think it's because the writers are products of a generation that doesn't understand the substance and significance of transcendent virtue.

God Works All Things for Good
God is actively working all things for good for those who love Him—and that “good,” which is your glorification, cannot be robbed of you.

Unconditional Election: A Study in What it Means to be God
When discussing biblical doctrine, the subject of Unconditional Election can be an emotional, dynamic trigger for many Christians. For some, such as myself, it spurs immediate reflections on God's sovereignty, grace, and divine nature.

Total Depravity: A Critical Lesson in Seeing the Riches of Sovereign Grace
Total Depravity is a critical, first lesson that one must learn if they are to truly grasp the depth, beauty, and richness of God's sovereign grace

Keeping ‘the Main Thing the Main Thing’: Thoughts on Rick Warren’s SBC Speech
This week, the Southern Baptist Convention held its annual meeting. The decisions made and the aftermath of this annual event usually generate ripple effects across all major denominations.

Pride Month: Pride Cometh Before the Fall
It has been interesting, to say the least, to see just how many darlings of the reformed renaissance have made their choice over the last ten years.

The Problem is the Leaders: Why the Church is in Shambles
A recent worldview survey was released from George Barna and Arizona’s Cultural Research Center detailing what many have been saying for years: there is a fundamental issue in the church and it stems from the pulpits. The results of this report are particularly damning, as they indicate only 41% of lead pastors, 28% of associate pastors, 13% of teaching pastors, 12% of youth pastors, and 4% of executive pastors actually hold to a comprehensive worldview.