Were Adam and Eve Created Perfect?
Theology David Chambers Theology David Chambers

Were Adam and Eve Created Perfect?

There’s a common misnomer applied to Adam and Eve regarding their pre-Fall nature, and you’ve probably heard it before. The statement is that before the Fall, Adam and Eve were “perfect”. Here are two reasons why Adam and Eve were never perfect.

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Our Anger Toward Irrational Beings
Blake Laberee Blake Laberee

Our Anger Toward Irrational Beings

We never see Jesus getting angry at a donkey, baby, or the office printer. Jesus never kicks the dog. Jesus is not obsessed with His comfort in the ways that we so often are, to our shame.

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One Month Bible Reading Challenge
Christian Living Blake Laberee Christian Living Blake Laberee

One Month Bible Reading Challenge

Among what I have come to refer to as “the classics” (losing those extra pounds, fiscal responsibility, home improvement projects, etc) are items that are uniquely Christian in nature (Prayer, Fasting, Memorizing Scripture, Giving, Bible intake, Faithfulness in family devotions, giving others the Gospel, etc).

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The Most Influential Children’s Catechism
Christian Living David Chambers Christian Living David Chambers

The Most Influential Children’s Catechism

Which catechism is the most influential and understandable for kids? Some may argue that the Westminster Shorter Catechism is the best. Or that the Heidelberg is the most applicable. Or that modern ones like the New City Catechism are the easiest for kids to grasp. But while those are helpful tools, they are not the most influential catechisms for children.

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