God’s Standards for Elders, Part 3 - The Work of an Elder
Craft is not devoid of character. Who we are will determine how we work, and this is especially clear in pastoral ministry.

Oceangate: A Modern Parable of the Disenfranchised
The true tragedy of Oceangate is the utter lack of humanity shown by the watching world.

God’s Standards for Elders, Part 2: The Character of an Elder
Throughout history, the church has been infiltrated by wolfs in pastoral clothing. This isn’t shocking, and it isn’t a reason to leave or despise the church, Jesus Himself warned His people that this would be the case (Matt 7:15)

God’s Standards for Elders, Part 1: The Heart of an Elder
The underlying qualifications for elders are straightforward. They must be men who cannot be charged with having rotten hearts. How many job descriptions for pastors, or elections for elders start with these qualities?

Five Reminders For the Suffering Christian
Since God's purposes are accomplished (something the Bible reiterates again and again), we get hung up on questions like, “Why does God allow others to sin against me?” and “If God can stop evil, why doesn’t He?”

Christian, What Kind of Pastor Do You Truly Want?
True humility is properly ordered. John The Baptist’s humility is seen in the fact that he knew his place, he knew his calling, and he knew that Christ is the reason, end, and goal of everything he had set out to do. Because his priorities were in order that meant that he must decrease, and Christ must increase.

Elders, Love Your Family More Than You Love Your Church
The families of pastors/elders often report feeling forgotten and neglected as their husband and/or father spends a notable amount of his time, energy, and emotions shepherding a church of God’s people. I suspect in most cases the lack of attention towards home isn’t intentional. Responding to a supernatural calling, these men are led to care for the flock God has placed under them. Yet, in their efforts to fulfill their calling, they forsake a primary obligation - even disqualifying themselves.

When the Lord Takes the Child
This is one of the strangest parts for me. How can I miss someone that I never knew? How can I feel such lament over “What could have been”?