The Three Worst Bibles You Already Own
Christian Living Blake Laberee Christian Living Blake Laberee

The Three Worst Bibles You Already Own

Having read the Bible numerous times, studying it deeply, and working in pastoral ministry, I believe I now have a definitive list of the worst Bibles. I can tell you from my experience in the counseling office that these Bibles will absolutely cripple any Christian. They make for weak Christians that have a hard time even muddling through this sinful world. Some of them may surprise you.

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When Church Is Optional, You Set up Your Kids to Fail
Christian Living Blake Laberee Christian Living Blake Laberee

When Church Is Optional, You Set up Your Kids to Fail

Where did we go wrong? How can we sing on Sunday morning that Jesus is my “all-in-all” and then decide to sacrifice the glorious, life-giving truths of the Gospel on the bloody altar of hobbies? At what point did so many professing Christians parents exchange the instruction, “keep your eyes on Jesus” for “Keep your eyes on the ball”?

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