The Three Worst Bibles You Already Own
Having read the Bible numerous times, studying it deeply, and working in pastoral ministry, I believe I now have a definitive list of the worst Bibles. I can tell you from my experience in the counseling office that these Bibles will absolutely cripple any Christian. They make for weak Christians that have a hard time even muddling through this sinful world. Some of them may surprise you.

Doubling-Down on Christian Persecution: The Cost of Following Jesus
We cannot claim Jesus as our own and also continue to endorse the world’s philosophies. As the years continue to pile up in our postmodern society, so do the excuses Christians make about why they are willing to deny Jesus and His doctrine.
Persecution: The New Reality for Biblical Christianity in America
American Christians, who desire to live godly, conservative, biblically oriented lives, need to prepare themselves and their families for persecution.

Christians, COVID-19, and the Dangerous Idol of Personal Safety
Decades of excessive comforts and conveniences have created lazy, self-serving, inward-looking Christians. Many have forgotten how to trust God for provision. Instead, we have looked to ourselves, our stocked supermarkets, our full refrigerators, and our 401ks to provide the assurance that our future’s are secure.

Church Should Be Your Excuse for Missing Everything Else
I am under the unwavering conviction that unless I am genuinely ill, people are in the throes of death, my legs are rendered inoperable, or we are trapped in our house, church attendance is mandatory.

Christians Shouldn’t Just Celebrate Halloween, They Should Be the Life of the Party
Halloween is the easiest to eliminate for Christians wishing to avoid pagan-rooted holidays altogether. Yet, in their well-intentioned desire for devoutness, I fear many in the church are overlooking something. Built within the cliché traditions of Halloween are opportunities to foster a real, life-giving community.

‘I Don’t Need Theology, I Just Need Jesus’ Just Means You Have Bad Theology
Knowing God, as He is presented in scripture, is a non-negotiable for Christians. Theology offers a eternal well of joy and shield of protection from the enemy. Any Christian who thinks they can continue with a “no creed but Christ” is setting themselves up for failure.

When Church Is Optional, You Set up Your Kids to Fail
Where did we go wrong? How can we sing on Sunday morning that Jesus is my “all-in-all” and then decide to sacrifice the glorious, life-giving truths of the Gospel on the bloody altar of hobbies? At what point did so many professing Christians parents exchange the instruction, “keep your eyes on Jesus” for “Keep your eyes on the ball”?