The Problem is the Leaders: Why the Church is in Shambles
Theology Grayson Gilbert Theology Grayson Gilbert

The Problem is the Leaders: Why the Church is in Shambles

A recent worldview survey was released from George Barna and Arizona’s Cultural Research Center detailing what many have been saying for years: there is a fundamental issue in the church and it stems from the pulpits. The results of this report are particularly damning, as they indicate only 41% of lead pastors, 28% of associate pastors, 13% of teaching pastors, 12% of youth pastors, and 4% of executive pastors actually hold to a comprehensive worldview.

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Inerrancy and the Gospels: How to Handle Narrative Differences
Theology Jack Lee Theology Jack Lee

Inerrancy and the Gospels: How to Handle Narrative Differences

Defending the inerrancy of scripture can be a challenging task for the unprepared Christian. In the world today, there is no shortage of critical voices speaking out against the authority of scripture. Even within Christendom, some seem determined to undermine the bible’s inerrancy in every instance. Therefore, Christians need to be equipped to defend, not only their faith but also the scriptures on which the only true, ancient religion is based upon.

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