What We Celebrate at Christmas is Why We Go to Church
What better way is there to celebrate the incarnation of Christ, than with God’s people, whom He gloriously provided Christ for to begin with?

3 Ways God Preserves The Human Race
The ongoing effects of the Fall are devastating. But when curse and deny God they are lashing out at the One who sustains them, preserves them, and stays His wrath against them. Yes, these three ways God has preserved humanity are hard to swallow.

On The Chosen: Jesus Is Not the Law of Moses. He is Far Better.
When you equate Jesus with the Law of Moses, you display an impotent Savior.

4 Things Paul Teaches Us About Prayer
At any moment, by the merit of Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit, Christians have the divinely given right to approach God with anything through prayer. The One who created and sustains the universe not only can hear your prayers, He wants to.

Why Having “No Creed but Christ” is a Serious Mistake
While this may seem like a small item to some readers, I contend it is a considerable thing. If we, in word and deed, deny the creeds and confessions, we also deny the clarity of scripture and God's faithfulness to His church over the ages. The gospel is clear, understandable, and reliable; creeds and confessions evidence this.

Ligonier State of Theology Reveals 84% of Christians Are Heretics
We must return to being a people of the Word

The Bible Doesn’t Teach Blanket Submission to the Government
The past couple of years has awakened many believers (myself included) to the dangers, and unbiblical nature, of statism. Moving forward, we can be sure that this conflict and tension between the church and state is not going to go away. If anything, all indicators point towards an increase.

The Glories of Christ As Our Great High Priest
Rest securely, believer, knowing that Christ is your great High Priest, and you need not stumble into the throne room of God.