An Entire Generation of Youth Are Finding Evangelical Churches Inadequate
It is now clear that broad evangelicalism has largely miscalculated how to engage the youth with our evolving, sexualized culture. 30 years of emphasizing purity over faith and repentance, entertainment over meditation, and games over catechisms have left scars.

Are Our Children Being Desensitized to the Wonders of Jesus Christ by Our Superhero Culture?
Each culture has its superstitions, stories, and traditions. Interestingly, many of these superstitions and cultural tales prove to be a barrier that have to be overcome by the Gospel in new missionary works.

Cessationist Film: Interview with Creator, Les Lanphere
In this very special episode of TCITC Podcast, Grayson and Jack sit down with the godfather of Reformed Podcasting, Les Lanphere, to talk about his brand new film, Cessationist.

Why Every Christian Must Seek to Maintain the Integrity of the Gospel
This is the seriousness of error when we add/remove anything to the gospel and work of Christ. Notice that Paul says in our text they are “deserting” Christ. The word there has a sense of change of factions or affiliation. It carries with it a tone of betrayal. This is the net effect when we add or change anything about the gospel of Jesus Christ – we abandon Christianity.

CRT’s Christology Problem
Regardless of where you land on the spectrum, it is clear that CRT is influential in the discussion of race and justice. But when we take CRT, and the conclusions therein, a different problem arises. It is not a black, or white problem. It isn’t even a problem of race. The conclusions of CRT ultimately undermine, distort, and undo the person and works of Jesus Christ.

Dealing With Difficult Neighbors - The “You Could Have Burnt My House Down” Edition
When you stand before Christ and give an account of your life you don’t want to have to say, “Well, I would have been godlier toward them and had greater concern for their soul if they weren’t always taking up all the street parking! And letting their dog bark all day!”

A Scriptural Defense of Infant Baptism (Video Series)
While I don’t expect to change anyone’s mind, I do hope these videos can help create some healthy, God-glorifying discussion regarding the importance and purpose of the covenant sign of baptism.

How Progressive Christians Deny The Eternality of the Human Soul
Our culture doesn’t need a month of pride, it needs a lifetime of God-fearing repentance. Sex is fleeting, but the soul is eternal.